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à apprivoiser le monde numérique actuel.
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The Things They Ask (Anglais)
Nous y étions
International School of Stuttgart, International School of Düsseldorf, ECIS Leadership Conferences,
AllemagneKorean Foreign School, HSBC Bank
CoréeAmerican School of Paris, Edutech Paris
FranceLincoln Community School,
GhanaOberoi International School, American School of Bombay, Pathways School Gurgaon, TAISI Leadership Conference,
IndeBritish School of Jakarta, Jakarta Intercultural School, Global Jaya International School,
IndonésieVilnius International School,
LithuanieKAIS International School
Uganda International School,
Tashkent International School,
OuzbékistanRotterdam International Secondary School, American School of the Hague et plus de 50 écoles publiques.
Pays BasECIS Leadership Conferences,
PortugalSandwell Children’s Trust, Farrer and Co., Bedford school
Royaume UniInstitute Le Rosey, International School of Basel, International School of Lausanne, EPFL teacher training sessions, International School of Geneva, Haut Lac International School, École Montreux Ouest, École de Nyon, École de Préverenges, École du Jura, Brillantmont International School, International School of Geneva - La Châtaigneraie, Inter-Community School Zurich